November 10 Questions

L to the rescue with her monthly 10 questions!

How old was the youngest/ greenest horse that you have ridden? Probably 3 years old as I have gotten on quite a few greenies at this point. I have been helping to start a friends pony and was the first one on  his back which was kind of cool!

How old was the oldest horse you’ve ridden? I want to say 28? There were some oldies but goodies when I was growing up that would teach like one lesson every few days and the beginners tended to get those rides.

Were you afraid of horses when you first started riding? No, I don’t remember a time where I have been truly afraid or scared of horses in general – maybe a specific horse but not all.

Would you say you’re a more nervous or confident rider? I think that I am a combination. I used to be very nervous and that has improved but I still tend to be a bit more nervous than confident I think.

Biggest pet peeve about non-horse people around horses? When people don’t listen to instructions re where they should stand or things they shouldn’t do to stay safe when around horses. I also HATE when people try to say that riding isn’t a sport and that the horse does everything.

A time when you’ve been scared for your life (horse related)? I have dealt with some fairly rank horses and I would say that handling one in particular on the ground always made me very uncomfortable. A horse that is malicious in the stall is not one that I ever want to be around again.

Have you ever fallen off at a show? What happened? Yes, the first time was earlier this year. I was riding a sale horse and he decided he didn’t want to play and I became a lawn dart. Not something I would like to repeat.

What is a breed of horse you’ve never ridden but would like to? This is tough. Probably a Lipizzaner if for no other reason than that I was obsessed with them as a kid.

Describe the worst behaved horse you’ve ridden? Not really sure how to answer this as there isn’t one horse in particular that stands out to me. Any horse that is constantly trying to scrape you off or dump you?

The most frustrating ride you’ve ever had? Any ride where I can’t seem to accomplish anything. I don’t do the best at keeping my emotions parked outside the ring and really beat myself up when I can’t get my body to cooperate with things that I fundamentally understand.


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