Pre Show Emotional State

img_1636.jpgAs I prep for the weekend of awesome that is about to happen in GA with Lauren and Gus I find myself going through a few different stages of emotion. My recent rides have left a bit to be desired. I don’t know if I am getting nervous and it is rubbing off on Annie or what but I think this might be the first time with Annie that I dread stadium more than dressage. Cross country is still my favorite phase which this time last year wouldn’t have been the case either!

When I think about dressage:

  • I think we will look this way – crazygiraffe
  • I feel this way – scared

When I think about stadium:

  • I think we will look this way – girafferunning
  • I feel this way – anxiou sheldon

When I think about cross country:

  • I think we will look this way – unicorn
  • I feel this way – celebrate loveher

And then I remember that it’s going to be what it is going to be and I need to just kick on no matter what the dragon throws me! What kind of feelings do you guys have in the days leading up to competitions?


  1. Nicku says:

    This is funny! I love it. Like you said, kick on, girl! Focus on things you can (hypothetically) control in the phases. In dressage you can control your geometry and remembering your test. In stadium & XC you can control where her shoulders are and you can keep your eyes up, leg on and shoulders back. It’s a schooling show, so school her quietly vs. worrying about what she looks like. Experience has taught me nitpicking a greenie at a competition leads to more anxiety for both of you at future competitions. Leading up to competitions I usually get excited about all the prep – tack cleaning, packing, etc. And yes, if I’m having crummy rides before the show I get anxious. I mean, even if we’re ‘just schooling’ at the show it’s totally normal to want to do well and perform to the best of your ability! Did they let you switch to BN?

  2. avery says:

    Ride the horse you have that day! Trust that you both know your job. I am an anxious bean, so visualization is key in addition to focusing on the fun and keeping it all as low stress as possible.

  3. Shelby says:

    Bahahaha… you pretty much summed up how I feel pre-show. I usually don’t get so freaked out until day of, but you got this! Lots of deep breaths and when in doubt sit up and add leg 😀

  4. slickchick17 says:

    You are going to surprise yourself this weekend and handle everything like a pro! Do not psyche yourself out, enjoy your horse and ride gratefully–I guarantee this advice, btw!!! Also, thank you for The Last Unicorn gif. You made my day!

  5. Heather says:

    I think there’s something in the air, because we’re having a similar struggle this week! But good news is, you dropped down a division, so even if y’all are somehow a train wreck (but of course I’m sure you won’t be!), everyone should leave in one piece and hopefully you guys will still have a blast.

  6. Stacie says:

    Well I only do the hunter/jumpers so I pretty much just look like the Sheldon meme up there…
    I’m sure you and Annie will be just fine out there! Can’t wait to read the recap!

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