Getting My Mojo Back

I will admit that I was not excited about moving to Texas. I am warming up to Austin as a city but I am still missing Nashville pretty fierce. The horse scene here can be pretty sad but it’s not all bad. I now have Amanda to go to events with. A few weeks ago that was volunteering and this past weekend it was to take advantage of a fun open schooling day.

I was pretty apprehensive about this outing leading up to it. Not only have I not put together an entire course in literally over a year and a half… I had a baby, lost my core, and a decent amount of my bravery went missing. We have jumped things here and there and had lessons but it is very safe to say I had not found my mojo.

I went into the day thinking worst case I could get Annie off the farm and have some Which Which/FroYo on my way home. We would pop over a few things in a new place and I would hopefully get more comfortable out and about… By going into it with low expectations I wasn’t too upset when I had to ride an Annie kite before I had a horse underneath me.

I usually find myself somewhere between jumper and eventer land. I went on all sorts of eventing adventures with Annie in 2016. Unfortunately I was almost always alone. I became a bit of a nomad and kind of met whoever I could wherever I was going. That is one of the best thing about eventer land though – the people. Good ride or bad ride, rain or shine, you can always count on at least a few friendly faces and helpful hands. This outing was no exception.

There were certainly some ugly moments but overall Annie was a super star. I forgot to ride at times and buried her (see above) and she still popped over like hey NBD. I will forever be grateful to know that this mare can get us out of my ammie mistake sticky situations.

Did I make anyones eyes bleed… maybe. Did they care? Nope. Everyone was cheering us on! It may not have been a real show but it was a pretty big accomplishment in my book! Amanda’s trainer was even able to get some of her barn girls to watch Bea for me. Barn baby/side kick for the win.img_7969.jpg

We are not back to where we were but after getting out there I know we will be back at it in no time. I have a feeling a lot more early mornings are in my future and I can’t wait for the adventures.


  1. Madeline C. says:

    I personally think you guys look fantastic! Especially for all the time off. I have to 100% agree about eventer-land. I have never met a more supportive group of strangers in my life ♡

  2. Rhiannon says:

    What a great way to dip your toes back into showing again and a great way to meet new people! You and Annie look awesome!

  3. Stacie Seidman says:

    Woohoo! I think you’ll find lots of ways to have fun in TX. Especially with Amanda nearby!
    I can relate to how you’re feeling quite well. I didn’t spawn or anything, but I was stuck barely riding and not really jumping at all for about a year. It’s funny how the brave pants get lost in the laundry after a break like that.
    Sometimes the best way to get back to it, is to just go and do. Sounds like you two are on the right track!

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