Knocking the dust off

Last week Amanda and I finally got to haul out and go cross country schooling. Between the weather and the holidays Thursday was the first day we could make work. The ground was still really saturated though so we couldn’t make use of the full course/ facility. Trainer is probably grateful for that since she was pushing not one but two strollers around.

I amย thankful for a lot of things in my current situation. One of the top ones is having a trainer that is also a newer mom. She is so willing to help me make it work to get lessons even if that means pushing two grumble butts (in separate strollers) while teaching. I would never be able to haul out for lessons or schooling if I didn’t have this support. No matter where we go she either helps me find someone to stare at Bea or does it herself. She never makes me feel bad about it either which is amazing because I am perpetually feeling like an inconvenience/ hassle.

It has been 1.5 years since I schooled cross country jumps – even longer since I had a XC lesson. I knew that I would be rusty but I didn’t really understand just how different cantering up to a XC jump would feel on a new horse as a new mom. Spoiler Alert: Joy and exhilaration are not the words I would use to describe it right off the bat. It has taken me a few days to step back and really marinate in my feelings from the experience.

Inca is a lovely jumper and so so careful. I knew that she would clear everything no problem but still cantering up to those jumps I couldn’t help but feel anxious. Not only am I weak and out of practice but I also have a new sense of fear.

img_1426We started by jumping some small fences (admittedly everything was pretty small) that are at the beginning and end of the course. From there we moved to the water jump which is what I was most anxious about. Inca is a bit… enthusiastic about water. The first time I rode her I almost ended up in the water.

When I saw that the water question on BN was a log down hill into the water I immediately clammed up. One of my biggest struggles in the saddle is my upper body being too far forward. “Sit Back Or Die” was born honestly. The idea of getting lawn darted over a log into the water paralyzed me and I forgot how to ride. Or rather compelled my body to ride out… away from the water. It wasn’t really a run out since I basically asked for it.

Of course once Trainer said sit up and ride like you mean it I got it done. By the end of our school I was more confidently approaching fences and being very deliberate about my eyes. It wasn’t a long school but it was just what I needed to get my sea legs back.

The weather is looking a little bit sketchy for the weekend but if it stays clear we are set for our first schooling show!


  1. Emily says:

    Alright – I will say it. Inca is just a lovely young horse. You can tell that she is totally brimming with confidence. you look great. XC jumps will surely terrify me when the mud finally dries up… and I definitely did not give birth to an awesome tiny human in the last year.

  2. Stacie Seidman says:

    Inca sounds like the perfect girl to help you get back to it, even if she is green. She just seems so game, and she has plenty of scope to help you out.
    I don’t blame you at all for the nerves. I don’t even have human kids, but I am TERRIFIED to jump cross country jumps. Haven’t ever done it. Probably never will.
    Anyway, awesome job shoving the fear out of the way, and getting back at it!

  3. Michele says:

    great job and Inca is the cutest baby horse around. Look at her go ๐Ÿ™‚

    And ugh I can’t even imagine the first time I see a jump again let alone in a field ๐Ÿ™‚ HA!

    and please clone trainer and put her in Tenn/Miss thank you (not for baby care but for actual riding lessons ha)!

    it is great she is so good about babysitting Bea for you. It truly takes a village ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Bette says:

    You definitely won the lottery with Trainer!! Plus Be a now has a friend she can grow up with and omg think of all the adorable pictures you can get of the two babies out doing fun horse things!!! It’s all about the pics ๐Ÿ˜‰ hahaha jk! But Inca looks like such a cool horse and glad you got out there and had a great time!

  5. Liz says:

    You’ve got such a wonderful setup with your trainer and the kids! And I love that you’re getting out there and doing the thing with a kid in tow. It’s admirable.

    And Inca is simply the cutest.

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