On The Back Burner

No matter what I told myself before having a kid… I am no longer the top priority. Kyle does help me take time for myself to go to the barn still (I would lose my mind otherwise) but it’s not the same. Before our move this consisted mostly of me bringing Bea to the barn too. We spent the first couple months of her life watching pro rides together.

It became pretty clear to me that once a baby came into the picture I wouldn’t be able to maintain the barn life I had. Sure, I could keep paying for 3 horses but not being able to ride or spend quality time with everyone was starting to stress me out. Not too shockingly, almost a year out of the saddle and having a baby kind of killed my confidence.


For the first time in my life I handed the reins over almost entirely. Initially it was because I was recovering from an emergency c section/complications. Also, my horses hadn’t been in work for more than 7 months… But then I decided to embrace it. I got on for lessons here and there… (see Huey taking me over one of my first jumps back above). But most of all I got to enjoy seeing my horses progress much quicker than they would with me. If you can swing it, in my opinion, this is some of the best money you can spend.

When we learned we would be moving I started trying to figure out how I was going to keep the barn a happy place instead of constant stressor. This led to exploring other options for the most marketable of the bunch. Within about a month Houston found his way to a new home where he is teaching a few amateurs the ropes. I am hopeful he has found a lifelong home!

So, here’s to Huey. I have been very lucky to call him mine for the majority of his life so far. I know that he will continue to bring joy to other riders and hope they get to enjoy him as much as I have.


  1. KateRose says:

    Sounds like a great home for Huey! I am really curious to read about how you juggle horse/kid time as this may be on the horizon for me and my husband in the next few years. (and the horse part/not riding part makes me anxious)

    • Equestrian At Hart says:

      You have to have a supportive spouse/family… and/or a good sitter/nanny. Without that until the kid is older riding is kind of out of the question. I am looking forward to when Bea is old enough to sit up alone as I think she will more happily chill out in a pack n play at that point.

  2. Mel says:

    Motherhood and horses is a constant juggle…and can be a source of great stress if you let yourself feel guilty about either one (guilty for not spending enough time with the horses, guilty for spending time away from your kids) — or maybe that’s just me. 🙂 It’s taken me a really long time to accept that it’s *okay* for me to love being at the barn, and that it’s a necessary part of taking care of myself so that I can take care of them.

    I’m looking forward to your future writing….it seems most of the equine blogosphere is populated with the young and childless — and I’m neither of those! HA! So it’s nice to have another horse/mom to relate to. 🙂

  3. Emily says:

    Aww Houston. I guess this is probably my biggest concern about having my first baby… How do I keep the horse in my life too? Debating a half lease, a full lease, or… idk to keep her in work and at least partially paying for herself.

    Glad you’re back, and really enjoying getting the “mom rider” view of things!

  4. Genny says:

    I’m glad Huey found his new home! And it is really hard, but at some point the whole process kind of figures itself out I think! Plus sitting up makes a huge difference 🙂

  5. Stacie Seidman says:

    I can imagine it’s really tough during the baby stage. But once she’s bigger it will get easier to juggle momming and the ponies. I’m glad Huey found a great new home, I’m sure that took some stress off.

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