Annie And Henny Become Neighbors

Moving to Texas meant some sacrifice for the horses too. Everything is different here from the type of turnout to the availability of hay. I had to rip the band aid off though and make some decisions.

When planning our move I tried to weigh what was most important with things we could maybe get by without. Being a new mom I decided that I really wanted to be at a barn with a resident trainer. This meant my list was: quality care, safe facilities, and respectable trainer.

I neglected to anticipate how much difficultly Annie would have adjusting to reduced turnout (we are talking like 10-15% of the turnout she used to get). Technically on the ground she was managing. Under saddle however was an entirely different beast. While it is no secret that Annie has all sorts of opinions I was not used to her having 101 every single ride.

Finally after 2 months of struggling due to little to no turnout and minimal riding time I knew I needed to make a change. I really liked the people at the other barn and there’s no question that the barn is beautiful but it just wasn’t working. Now I know without a doubt that QT in turnout is not an area we can really compromise. I realized I needed to make a change for both of our sakes. I started aggressively searching the internet again in the hopes of unearthing some unicorn barn that Amanda and Karen didn’t know about.

Spoiler alert… I did not find such a barn. I ended up moving to the barn where Henny and Presto reside. It’s not perfect (no barn is truly perfect) but it seems about as good as I am going to find that I can afford within a reasonable drive from my house.

This my friends is how the adventures of Annie and Henny went to a new level! We’ve already been on 2 off site adventures since I landed in the lone star state and now we can have even more!


  1. Rhiannon says:

    Boarding is such a tough thing. Now that my horse has lived outside for 4 years, I think he would be extremely unhappy to live in a stall most of the time. Enjoy your new barn and all of your future Henny and Annie adventures! Having someone to do things with makes it so much more fun.

  2. Nicole C says:

    I hate trying to find a new barn. I was at a place that I LOVED, and planned to stay there for all eternity, but then the owner decided to sell, and I was no longer able to bring in my trainer for lessons. I think my must haves were pretty similar to yours – quality care, safe (if not fancy) facilities, ability to continue lessoning with my trainer, and as much turnout as possible (and of course within my budget). Since I have both a late teenaged horse and a filly under 2, turnout is especially important to me. I ended up sacrificing travel time and an indoor arena (still sad about that one), but like you said, no barn is perfect.

  3. Michele says:

    so glad you moved there (A) for Annie and more turnout but B) Selfishly i get to meet you and Annie next time I come for a Henry/Presto/Amanda meetup πŸ™‚

    I agree the place is nice and seems to cater to hothouse flowers (AKA Henry), giraffes (Presto) and now Fire breathing horse (Annie) HA HA HA


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