From The Ground Up

This weekend was so fun! It was filled to the brim with a lesson, Dobby’s first ride, and even a fun gallop with friends. I really want to share about my first rides on the baby dreamboat but I am saving that for tomorrow!

This Saturday I had my first lesson with Inca! Going on an off farm adventure with a new horse for the first time can be nerve racking. Especially when the horse is green. I really shouldn’t have worried though because while green this little dragon has a great foundation. Inca is super forgiving and oh so honest. For a horse that is just coming 5 and has not done a ton (in the grand scheme of things) she really surprised me. Not only did she load like a champion… I had the same horse I have at home when I climbed on in a new arena. She looked around but never did anything stupid. That one ride went so far for my confidence.

I love to ride new horses but it also takes me some time to trust a new horse. One ride at a time I have been climbing the ladder with Inca and in our lesson everything really clicked for us. Not because I was riding so well – because let me assure you I WAS NOT. But more because every time I messed up Inca took care of me. When I buried her she said “ok no problem”. When I freaked out 2 strides from the right spot she said “I got this”. She never punished me for my mistakes.

We really needed that lesson and I was able to take away a lot of stuff to help my every day rides. I think I forgot what it is like to ride a really green horse. Trainer was able to remind me that I need to simplify things. If we are having a problem instead of sending her so many signals I need to just ask for one thing at a time. I thought thats what I was doing but in reality I was confusing Inca.

She also had me make some adjustments to my position that made all the difference in the world. Lengthening my reins and sitting up improved everything. “Sit Back or Die” wasn’t my motto without a reason and I really hope that spending more time in the saddle I can strengthen my core and improve some of my bad habits long term. I need a little speaker in my ear all the time that says “stay away from her – pony tail to your belt”!

Coming back after having Bea I didn’t have a lot of confidence in my riding. Losing Annie really hit me and I felt like I didn’t have the skills to ride anything else. I was asking myself if I was actually capable of starting another young horse at this stage in life. Inca in just one short month has made me believe in myself again. I have to thank her mom for that. M raised a confident animated little mare who takes everything in stride under saddle. I have no doubts that I can point her at anything and as long as I actually ask her she will say “hang on, I got this”. I can’t wait to test out our stronger partnership out on XC.

So heres to great friends, honest horses, and patient trainers! What all did you guys get into this weekend?




  1. Michele says:

    she is adorable and you look great on her. Can’t wait for the Dobby update too. I am so jealous of you having a lesson dry ground and getting to jump 🙂 HA

  2. Liz says:

    What a smart girl, Inca! And it sounds like those simple fixes are making a huge difference for you -I wish every small change had such a big effect!

  3. Stacie Seidman says:

    I’m like you. It takes me awhile to trust a new one. And some I never do. Sounds like Inca is exactly what you need right now! Glad you had a fun weekend! (And I can’t wait for the Dobby post!!!)

  4. KC says:

    I also have a hard time trusting new horses. I figure if I’m going to get hurt or die, I’d rather have it happen on my own insane horse.

    Have fun with her!

  5. Nicku says:

    Took a lesson Friday in Miss Fancy Pants and cried on the inside because my pony is dead lame behind (slipped in pasture??). No rides Sat or Sun because of lame pony.

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