Blogger Secret Santa 2018

I was so sad when I thought that I missed out on signing up for the annual blogger secret santa gift exchange hosted by Tracy. I had so much going on with Annie that I totally missed the sign up deadline. Tracy kindly added me into the rotation last minute though so I could join in on the fun,

I didn’t even tell her anything. I just figured she would give whoever ended up as my Secret Santa hints I had provided in previous years. Or that I would end up with a lot of treats because that’s always a solid go to. Stephanie from Hand Gallop was my SS last year and she hit it out of the park with her gifts. Even at 8 months old I still squeeze Bea into the adorable outfit she gave us.

This year hit me pretty hard and I knew that might make me harder to shop for. Or what if my secret Santa ordered something before everything happened with Annie? I am pretty sure I wouldn’t have been able to handle getting something specifically for Annie right then. I had a hard enough time opening the SmartPaks she wouldn’t get to use.

I really shouldn’t have worried though because Tracy is one of those people that is just on it. My present came in a few days after Christmas and it is so perfect. She really outdid herself and was so generous. A beautiful new halter for my handsome new horse was just what I needed. It was a reminder of how kind people in this community we have can be at times.

Nothing can replace or fill in the hole that Annie left in my heart but I am determined to go into this new year with a positive mindset. I was really excited to welcome Dobby into the family but still really heart broken given how quickly it all happened. I was still getting bills from the clinic when I was setting up his arrival.

The logical thing to do is to use the things I have from Annie on him since they fit (like her blankets or one of her 3 leather halters…). Now I don’t have to feel guilty for buying something I already technically have or for using Annie’s on a different horse. Naturally I didn’t take a picture when we tried it on because I am dumb… but it’s horse show ready for the derpmaster. Now I just need the stars to align so we can have our first ride!

I can’t wait to see what my Secret Santa thinks of all of the things that I got her! I love giving gifts and it is always fun to shop for someone else. I think this exchange is one of the few times that I actually succeed in surprising someone. Normally I get too excited and blurt it out before I even have the gift to give it 😂🤦🏻‍♀️.

Do you guys participate in other Secret Santa’s?


  1. Tracy says:

    I’m so glad it (FINALLY) got to you! I also have to give a huge thank you to Amanda, who helped TREMENDOUSLY in picking out the perfect gift. I peppered her with questions and demanded to know the exact moment the purchase was final so I could hit the order button. I’m so glad that you were able to participate this year <3

  2. Stephanie says:

    Bea is the CUTEST baby and I’m so glad you’re still stuffing her into that outfit!

    Dobby’s going to look super snazzy at shows in his new halter!

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